Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6

The task for Day Six was to write the opening line of my first, or next, book.

So here is the opening line(s) to my story:

A wise author once said, "the power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories, that it has come to be disbelieved in. Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only."
I would like to add that once you have truly seen someone, what they are deep down in their souls, that you cannot do anything but love them.

Can you say, [literally] story of my life?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5

Day 5's task was to cut out a circular "Out of Order" sign and paste it on something that was used by people. The goal was, according to the book, "to achieve comprehensive social breakdown across the US."

In short, I decided to skip this task. For a couple reasons:

1. I want to keep this book as intact as possible so that I can look over it in the future and see what I've accomplished and how I've changed. And I don't want the page that was on the back of the sign damaged.
2. I'm currently working on getting back on a normal sleep schedule. To do this quickly, I'm just pulling a couple all-nighters so that I can go to bed early and actually be tired. This means that I won't be out in public very much today or tomorrow and won't have much of an opportunity to post it.

But it does sound like it'd be great fun to try. Oh well.

Day 4

Today's task was to color in a map of the world based on where you've been, where you want to go and where you don't care to ever travel to.

Green represented countries that you've "been there, done that."
Blue represented countries I want to travel to this year.
Yellow was for countries I want to visit before I die.
Red was for countries I never wanted to visit at all.

For me, the only green country was the United States. And since I don't have a job lined up yet that I can start saving money to use for travelling, I skipped blue.

There were several yellow countries, including the rest of North America, Brazil, Peru, Chile, South Africa, Kenya, Djibouti, Egypt, Madagascar, all the main countries of Europe (UK, France, Spain, etc.), Russia, China, India, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

After I filled in those countries that I know I really want to visit sometime I realized that I needed to tweak the color scheme slightly. There really aren't any countries that I never want to visit, but there are a lot of countries that I'm ambivalent about visiting. So the rest of my map was left white. Maybe I'll get around to visiting them at some point when I can go travel the world. Maybe I won't. Either way, I want to at least set foot on every continent.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 3

I actually did this yesterday, I promise.

Day three was to throw away something I liked.

This was a pretty hefty challenge because I don't keep stuff unless I actually use it, so the only thing I could really think of was to clean up and throw out trash that's been sitting around. Either that, or start a donate bin for some of my clothing I don't wear anymore.

So that's what I did. My apartment is now much cleaner, and my closet will become much less loungey and much more appropriate for work. And Goodwill should be able to help lots of people with the stuff I'll be donating.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2

No photo today because I'm feeling lazy.

But the text says:

Day 2: The love of your life
Today, gaze at everyone wondering whether they might be the one true love of your life, the one destined for you and you alone, and whether you might be passing them by forever... Act in consequence.

I feel like I may have cheated, but I didn't really end up getting out of my house all day. Everybody I saw was already in a relationship and, for the most part, they were all people I knew well enough that I could never marry them.

Besides, my heart is still being stupid for someone that hasn't spoken to me in almost a year. So... yeah.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1

Day 1 is just a warm up. Which is great for me because I'm still organizing all of my stuff that I got for Christmas.

Today, I decided to go on a brief hunger strike. Which really isn't saying much since I was hanging out with friends and we were waiting for pizza to be delivered.

No major difference in my life yet. But there's still 364 days to go!


For my New Year's Resolution, I decided to go through this book. It has, as it says on the cover, an instruction for each day of the year. I spent New Year's Eve filling out the front cover which includes contact information and reward amounts for returning the book, and a list of my preferences in case I ever get amnesia.

I plan to update every day and reflect on the task that is given. Stay posted for updates!